Monday, 16 July 2018

Marineland and Steamtown on Super 8

I found this lovely super 8mm cine film at Lancaster Antiques Centre with a series of other cine films (not yet copied to digital) at the bottom of a box containing a Kodak Brownie cine projector. I bought the projector unawares of the extra contents, so a nice surprise!
Several of the films appear to be of the same family and I have subsequently at local carboot sales and junk shops, picked up around a dozen more reels again all of the same family! If I ever strike it rich I'll copy them all into digital and share!
For now you can enjoy Marineland and Dreamworld in this first reel.
Marineland was the outdoor aquarium on Morecambe promenade and Steamtown was a part of Carnfirth Railway Station. From the late 60's I'd guess.
View the film