Slingfilm project has developed out of my camera collecting and from
finding, possibly due to the recent development of digital photography, a
growing number of film cameras in charity shops and car boot sales etc
which still contain undeveloped rolls of film. Given that we live in a
society that has enjoyed photographing and documenting almost every
aspect of our lives, and that most people would consider their photo
albums as the first possession they would reach to save in a house fire,
I'm more than a little interested in these cameras and photographs that
have been (knowingly or unknowingly) discarded. The Slingfilm project
will attempt to document the discarded cameras I find along the way,
where found, how much I paid for them, some history of the camera itself
perhaps, along with the films often found inside them and the results
of the processing of those films - the lost memories.
I am lucky to have a great film lab nearby (Farnells Photographic lab)
who have been helpful in processing of these old films, some of them
untouched for 50 years or more. The results will be patchy, many I know
will be fogged and useless, others will be badly exposed, but perhaps,
just occasionally, some gems might turn up.
Let's just see how it goes...